This is a Children’s Devotion on Matthew 7:15-20.

2021. 1 pages.

Matthew 7:15-20

In these verses, Jesus gives a strong warning, and it is important that we listen to his warning. Jesus doesn’t want to scare us, but he wants us to be warned about false prophets. Jesus tells us that there are false prophets and that they can be difficult to see. Just like you might be tricked into thinking that a thistle is a fig tree when you see it from a distance, so false prophets are hard to recognize.

So how can we tell the difference between a false prophet, (especially when they use some of the Bible in their preaching) and someone who is actually preaching God’s Word? A true preacher will preach that Jesus Christ is the only way to salvation. Jesus Christ will be the centre of all that they are teaching. False preachers may tell you to work harder, to have more faith and then you will be saved. But the only way to be saved is through Jesus Christ. And a true preacher will preach that message.

A true preacher will also teach us that true peace and happiness can only be found in Jesus Christ. Because of Jesus’ perfect obedience and death on the cross, we can now be God’s children again. He loves us because of Jesus’ work. And that’s the only thing that can give us true peace and happiness. False prophets may tell us that we can find peace in ourselves. They may tell us to look at the good in ourselves, but that message is a lie. Only when we know that our sins are forgiven in Jesus Christ can we be truly at peace.

Jesus also tells us that a preacher will be known by his fruit. Can you see a love for God, patience, kindness, mercy, and other godly fruits in the life of the preacher and those who listen to him?

Listen carefully to this warning that Jesus gives to us. Always read the Bible and study it closely. And always turn to Jesus alone for your salvation and happiness.

Reflection with your child:

Why does Jesus warn us against false prophets?

Source: Sermon by Rev. I. Wildeboer

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