This is a Children’s Devotion on Colossians 2:6-7.

2019. 1 pages.

Colossians 2:6-7

Read: Colossians 2:1-9

In the first chapter of Colossians, the apostle Paul reminds the Colossians of how blessed they are in Christ. Yes, he uses lots of difficult words, but in short, Paul tells the Colossians that because of Christ’s perfect work on earth, they may belong to God. Well, Christ has done exactly the same for you. His work on earth also means that you belong to Christ.

“Now,” Paul says, “walk in Christ.” Live in a way that shows that you belong to Christ. If you are walking through a shopping centre, act as though Christ is walking beside you, seeing everything that you do and hearing every word you speak. When you are in your home watching a movie, act as though Christ is sitting next to you watching as well. When you are playing with your friends, act as though Christ is playing with you. Remember that Christ is actually there with you all the time. And so Paul tells us to walk, act, talk, sing, and think in such a way that shows that Christ is there with you.

To help you to walk in Christ, you need to be deeply rooted in him. Just like a tree has roots that go very deep into the earth, so you need to dig deeply into God’s Word. You need to take the time to listen when sermons are preached, to ask your parents to help you understand the Bible reading, to concentrate when singing psalms and to pray to God every day.

Remembering all the blessings that you have in Christ should cause you to abound in thanksgiving. Have you ever written a list of things that you are thankful for? It’s a great idea to do this if you haven’t. Actually, it’s a good idea to do it often. And on that list one of the important things will be that you are thankful for everything you have been given in Christ. You are indeed blessed to belong to Christ. Show your thankfulness for these blessings by walking every day showing that you are his.

Source: Sermon by Rev. R. Vermeulen

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