Hebrews 12 – Thankful for an Unshakable Kingdom
Hebrews 12 – Thankful for an Unshakable Kingdom
Therefore, since we are receiving a kingdom that cannot be shaken, let us be thankful, and so worship God acceptably with reverence and awe..
Hebrews 12:28
On Thanksgiving Day we pause to give thanks for God’s many blessings: food in the cupboard, crops in the field, a steady job, a loving family, caring friends, and a faithful church to be part of. What about giving thanks for receiving a kingdom?
Yes, a kingdom. You, I, and every believer are receiving a prince’s inheritance. In fact, it’s a kingdom that cannot be shaken! That means: a kingdom that cannot be disturbed by enemies or upset by disaster. It is secure and safe and strong forever and it is ours!
We need to focus on that kingdom, for the other blessings in this life are not unshakable. Food, shelter, clothing, safety, family, friendship, even participation in church life give us a taste of what is coming but they are neither perfect nor guaranteed.
The Hebrew Christians knew about this for some of them had been publicly persecuted, imprisoned, and stripped of their homes and possessions (Hebrews 10:32-34). There were years they had virtually no earthly blessings to give thanks for.
This is the Christian way. While the Lord often gives us many physical, emotional, and familial blessings, He also warns us to expect suffering and sorrow. The way of the disciple is the way of the Master and if the Master was ill-treated by the world, should we expect any less? If the Master had no place to call his home, should we expect to dwell in riches and ease?
Suffering has a way of finding every family. Our three sworn enemies – the devil, the world, and our own flesh – are constantly conniving to ruin our faith. Is there a family in the church where the hand of sorrow has not been felt through the loss of a loved one, or the breaking away from the faith, or by way of illness or injury? Some families experience wave after wave of sorrow until others feel overwhelmed just by looking on. Some nearly get washed away by grief and torment. In such a year, in such a life, what is left to be thankful for?
That unshakable kingdom! It’s unshakable, immovable, unbending, unchanging, and eternal for the King who reigns is unchanging and eternal and completely invincible! Through faith in this King we enter already into his kingdom; as Hebrews 12:23 says,
You have come to God, the judge of all men, to the spirits of righteous men made perfect, to Jesus the mediator of a new covenant, and to the sprinkled blood that speaks a better word than the blood of Abel.
We have come to Him – past tense!
No attack of the Evil One can unseat our God. God is too powerful. No accusation of Satan against us can stand. The blood of Jesus has been sprinkled over us and God sees in us now only the innocence of his Son. We’re permanently covered! No broken relationship, no sudden death, no grave disappointment can wipe us out because the blood of Jesus has the power to renew, refresh, and resurrect both faith and life in his people! This King has underwritten his kingdom with the matchless blood of his only begotten Son so that it cannot be shaken – ever!
And we are receiving it, says the Bible. We’ve got it today. Yet it’s also a process that’s unfolding, something whose fullness awaits the great tomorrow when our Lord returns. If material blessings be yours today, then be not distracted by the foretaste but look beyond those shakable things to the everlasting kingdom you possess in Christ and let that be your joy!
And if you feel the weight of grief, illness, or loss of some kind then remember afresh what you already have and what you are coming into: a kingdom of peace, a realm of glory where sin is not known, where brokenness will be healed, where health will be restored, where all your losses become your gains as King Jesus rewards you in his grace (Matthew 19:29).
That focus will fill out your Thanksgiving Day every year, in every situation. And your thankful heart will be moved to worship your God in reverence and in awe, for who could have ever dreamed the kind of salvation He has given us? Who could ever have imagined the Creator sacrificing his Son in order to bequeath his kingdom to fallen creatures like us? May all our thanks-giving translate into everyday thanks-living!
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