Ephesians 4:17-32 – Renewal of Personal Life
Ephesians 4:17-32 – Renewal of Personal Life
- What is Paul highlighting with the words “futility of their thinking”? (v.17)
What is the typical mindset of our day?
- Why does Paul add the phrase “and insist on it in the Lord”? (v.17)
- Paul says that the Gentiles have “lost all sensitivity…” (v.19) Sensitivity to what? Is our society loosing sensitivity as well?
- In verse 19 Paul says that the Gentiles “have given themselves over to sensuality so as to indulge in every kind of impurity…” In Romans 1:24 Paul says that “God gave them over…to sexual impurity.” How should we explain this apparent contradiction?
- Paul literally says in verse 21, “surely you heard [Christ]…” What does this expression say about the preaching?
- “Created to be like God” means: created to live in righteousness and holiness (v. 24). What else does it mean? (cf. Genesis 1; Heidelberg Catechism, Lord’s Day 3)
- In verses 22-24 Paul instructs us to both put off the old nature (negative) and put on the new nature (positive). Does our daily life have both a positive and negative aspect to it?
Can there be a danger in overstressing the negative at the expense of the positive, or vice versa?
- Why should we “put off falsehood”? (v. 25)
- What does it mean to “speak truthfully to [our] neighbor”? (v. 25) Is it a matter of always telling him the facts?
- Verse 26 says “in your anger do not sin.” Is it ever right to be angry? If so, when? (cf. Matthew 5:22)
- Why would Paul say “Do not let the sun go down while you are still angry”? (v.26)
- How do we “give the devil a foothold”? (v.27)
- Grieving the Spirit:
- What does it mean “to grieve the Holy Spirit”? (v.30)
How do we grieve him? (cf. Isaiah 63:10) ?
- James writes in 4:5 of his letter that “…the Spirit [that God] caused to live in us envies intensely.” What does that mean?
- What is the difference between “grieving the Spirit” and “resisting the Spirit”? (cf. Act 7:51)
- What does it mean to forgive others as God, in Christ, forgave us?
Have we verbally forgiven any one or only quietly forgotten?
- Identify 6 ways how Christians are to put off their old nature and put on the new. (vv. 4:25-5:5)
For Further Discussion:⤒🔗
- How do we see this “continual lust for more” (v. 19) in our own society?
- Sometimes it happens that people who have lived godly lives all their life long get Alzheimer’s disease – and in that state begin use very foul language that you never heard from their mouths before. How do we explain that?
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