
The purpose of the Christian Study Library (henceforth CSL) is to provide Scripturally sound material for free by means of the Internet.

In the first place, it is our conviction that the Lord truly dispenses His “glorious riches” (Eph. 3:16) to His church. How great and how high and how deep is the life with God! For us to notice it and to live according to it is the work of the Holy Spirit, but at the same time it is something for which the Holy Spirit uses all the saints (Eph. 3:18). Through the ages, it has remained the prerogative and the task of all the saints worldwide to examine and express these “glorious riches”.

We are situated in a third-world country (South Africa). Our aim is to allow other people in third-world situations to participate in the exploration and expression of this great wealth. Seeing that a large number of people are unable to join a big library or undertake extensive Internet searches (too expensive!), we would like to accumulate as much good material as possible under one roof – for free!

We pray therefore that everyone involved (authors, publishers, readers – saints!) may participate and enjoy the great gift of grace that God has given us in Christ to the glory of our Triune God.

Scripturally sound🔗

Our definition of “Scripturally sound” material is material that upholds the absolute authority of the Word of God over every aspect of our lives.

We intend to use this material for the same purpose as that for which God has given us His Word, which is for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness, so that the man of God may be thoroughly equipped for every good work (see 2 Tim. 3:16,17). We would like to provide edifying and cautionary literature concerning every aspect of our lives before our God. We also require that articles be written in clear language and an appropriate style. Eventually it must serve to edify us so that we may speak the truth in love (Eph. 4:15).


As is the case with an ordinary library, our library also has different sections for specific purposes. One section is dedicated to study material (Semi-Tecnical), another contains texts written in an informal style (Popular), yet another is aimed at readers who do not have a lot of background knowledge about the Bible and the Christian religion (Basic). These sections wil be clearly defined.

In addition, these sections will be divided into categories. The purpose of the categories is to classify literature according to specific subjects (as in a regular library). Of course, the search function will enable the user to find articles regardless of how they are categorised.

We have also linked keywords to each article which would hopefully enable the user to quickly and easily find what he/she is looking for.


We would rather not call it a vision, as we want to place this project completely under the provision of the Lord. However, it is our deep conviction that we may undertake this project with great expectation in the Triune God. With His blessing, we hope and pray that we might soon be able to make thousands of books and articles available. Our God is mighty to rouse other saints to enthusiasm about the possibility of making His “glorious riches” available, freely and for free, to everyone who wants to delight in it to the glory of our God. He also has the power to give even more volunteers who are willing to take part in this project free of charge and making many sacrifices to advance His church and kingdom. Our expectation in our Triune God is great!

Christian Library is a project of the Reformational Study Centre.